Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I've become one of those.....

yup! i must confess after years of never understanding why people do it. i've become one of those people who....wash the dishes before they put them into the dishwasher. the horror, i know. the extra effort...oh, yes. why, lj? i dont know!!!!! but the dishes just get so much cleaner. you have to try it to understand. i just wash and put in the dishwasher. (so, i skip rinsing off the soap prior to the dishwasher step.) it's truly amazing. i think everyone should try it. :) ok, i have to admit maybe im just doing it b/c my dishwasher's not so great. we'll see. :)

1 comment:

BASF said...

Maybe I always did it because my dishwasher wasn't so great either, but a long, long time ago I made the decision that I would rather know the dishes coming out of the dishwasher were ALL clean. I didn't have to check the dishes as they came out.

To me, then I suppose the main convenience of the dishwasher is that it puts my dishes in a "holding pattern". It gets them out of the sink, out of sight, and waiting on me to put them away later.

So this appliance--at my house-- is a dishrinser, sterilizer, and hidden drainer, NOT a dish WASHER.