Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Birthday!

so, i told you there were a lot of birthdays in these months. :)

Happy Birthday, Eliza/Lizm! ( pic)

And happy belated birthday, Pooh. (although you'll probably never see it.)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

jenny's thoughts on SNOW.

i hope she doesn't mind. but it's really good. Happy reading!

Snow Uggggghhhhh (A must read!!!)

Hi everybody.
I know some of you aren't in Chicago but I hope you enjoy the message anyway
Why is snow a good insulator? Fresh, undisturbed snow is composed of a high percentage of air trapped among the lattice structure of the accumulated snow crystals. Since the air can barely move, heat transfer is greatly reduced. Fresh, uncompacted snow typically is 90-95 percent trapped air.

So, I was looking at the snow coming down and, of course, almost fixed my mouth to complain about driving in that stuff. That’s when God brought something back to my mind. I just asked Him for snow a few days ago. What is wrong with me? Well, I’ll tell you.

We all know how cold it’s been in Chicago . 6○ with wind-chills of 28○ below!!!! And dry as a bone. That harsh dry wind was dangerous. It was killing people!!! I was listening to the news yesterday morning and the newscasters were strongly suggesting that people stay home. They were telling people to only go out if it was a great need to do so. They also said that if you had to go out, make sure all of you skin was covered. That’s really something, isn’t it?

Look at us now! Just a day later and it’s snowing and the temperature is supposed something like 0○ but it feels warmer already AND in a day or two, it’s supposed to be in the 20s. Not ideal right? But it’s way better than 6 and definitely better than feeling like 28 below!!!

Why is it getting warmer? Because the snow is an insulator for the Earth. We needed snow!

“Why is snow a good insulator? Place your hand on the snow, and your hand will get cold. But, if you dig down into the snow, you can build a cave that will enable you to stay comfortable for an extended period. This is because snow is mostly air. (Fresh powder is 93% air.) Air spaces between the crystals work the same way as air spaces between fibers of wool or goose down, preventing air movement and slowing heat loss. Thus, the lighter and fluffier the snow, the better insulator it will be. Old, hard snow has less air (60-70%) and feels colder if you build a burrow in it or even stand on it.”

So when it snows, it makes the Earth feel warmer!

Think with me spiritually. We die spiritually when our lives are barren and cold and dry.

I am in need of great patience. This area of my life is cold and barren (hypothetically, of course). I always snap at people. I don’t have time to talk to my siblings/spouse/co-worker/classmate/boss, etc. I know that if I don’t get the victory in that area, I will die. The newscaster (Pastor, or minister) warn me not to go out and if I have to go out, I need to have all of my vulnerabilities covered (with prayer, reading and fasting). I know that the snow will warm up my experience, so I pray to God for snow.

When the snowy days (situations that cause me to seek God for more patience) come, my first inclination is to complain about having to deal with the undesired situation, but God brings back to my minds the times I prayed for snow. Dealing with the elements in this situation causes me to be strengthened. The fear of and opportunity for death has ebbed away.

1 Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5:3 – 4 “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope:”

One of my favorite songs says

“God has not promised you, sunshine
That’s not the way it’s going to be
But a little rain
Mixed with God’s sunshine
A little pain
Helps me appreciate the good times
Be grateful

God desires to feel
Each longing
Every pain that you feel
He feels them just like
But he can’t afford to let you feel
Only good
Then you won’t appreciate the good times
Be grateful
For it will be alright”

So, be grateful for both the literal snow and the figurative snowy/rainy situations. It delivers us from the danger of death in a cold, barren place.I hope this was as much a blessing to you as it was to me.

Love y’all


being from arkansas and all, i never thought i'd say 40 degree weather was "lovely." but, that's what it was this week. i even got "hot" enough to drive with my window down. too bad we didnt get that 70 degree weather some others got. but it was good all the same. oh well, today it's supposed to be freezing rain and snow..and then snow all week. so it seems winter isn't over yet. but maybe can all be like jenny and her snow philosophy. it's pretty good. she'll have to write it for us..or maybei i'll share it in my next post.

nothing else going on...last sat. we had our monthly yp event. this month we had a potluck at the church and had to dress up as bible characters or historical black people (for black history month). of course i was super busy all week, so didn't have time to come up with a person until i got there. but i must say, i pulled it off pretty well. im not going to tell you, though, who/what i was. you'll have to go to liz's website and see her pics (when she gets them up. she also has some good info on black history). see if you can guess. (and when you do, just not some horrible, fanatic person. who/what i am did do some good in the community. so dont get any wrong ideas.) after we ate (good food, good food) we played the cup game, black history trivia, and then talked. we had so much food left that the next day (yp's sunday) we finished off the leftovers. i think next month we're visiting danes (yeah!!). later!

ps. the birthday countdown is about to begin!!! (mine that is.) oh, and before i forget...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to...Leila (2/27?...i think???..tell me and i'll change it..sorry!)and Keila (3/2).

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the last sin eater

so, yesterday i read this book the last sin eater by francine river. im sure most people have read it by now. (i know im late!) anyway, here are a few excerpts that were a blessing to me:

"I didn't realize I was entering a battle - one I could win only by trusting in the Lord. And trust, for me, aint easy to do. It's a learned thing, comin' one step at a time."

"Satan will prey upon your doubts and fears and try to drive you away from the Lord your God, for it is your heart he wants and your mind he will attack. Remember he is the father of lies and a murderer...but the Lord prevail[s] against him. Only the Lord prevails."

"Believe on him who saved you, [girl's name]. 'I want to believe. I do'[she said] 'Then believe'[said the prophet]. 'I try to believe' [she said]. 'Believe,' said the prophet, 'set your mind and heart upon Christ and obey the word of the Lord. Stand firm. God himself is going to fight for you."

"Just tell Jesus you trust Him and ye're waiting on him to tell you what to do."

And my all time favorite (sorry, it's long...)
"It was no accident, no coincidence, that the seasons came round and round year after year. It was the Lord speaking to us all and showing us over and over again the birth, life, death , and resurection of his only begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. It was like a best-loved story being told day after day with each sunrise and sunset, year after year with the seasons, down through the ages since time began. I knew after hearing the word of the Lord, I'd never walk anywhere again without seeing Jesus as a babe in the new-green of spring. I'd never see a field in all its glory without thinking how he lived his life for us in the royal robes of every summer wildflower. I'd ever see the greatness of his love in the beautiful sacrifice in the brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows of fall, and winter white would always speak to me of his death. And then spring again, his resurrection, life eternal."

luv it, luv it!!! so, yeah the book was encouraging. that last passage just made me stop and think of how many times i've "seen" God. just step out and observe nature. stop and "see" God.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to my sister! luv!

Black History Month

so, i dont know the official results for the game, yet (in case i don't come back and post.) but this superbowl has special meaning for me. it's black history month and two black coaches are making history. AWESOME! so, whomever wins..GREAT. Have a great BHM. (although we know we should celebrate history's greatness all the time.) go out and learn about your heritage. whatever it is! much love!