Thursday, March 06, 2008

controlling our emotions...

i read this today and it was encouraging. enjoy.

Excerpt from "Feeling Emotional" by Rachel Olsen, Encouragment for Today Daily Devotional

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." John 14:1 (NLT)
Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." (NIV)

The problem isn't my emotions, it's my reaction to them. The trouble comes when I give them free reign in my heart and mind. That's when I become unstable. That's when I lose sight of God. That's when I say or do things I regret.

Jesus spoke today's verse to his disciples, knowing what their futures would hold. He knew His death was coming and it would trigger fear, sorrow and doubt in their hearts. Not wanting them to wallow in those emotions, He counseled them ahead of time to keep their focus on God and all that He'd been teaching them.

Jesus, knowing what our day holds, speaks the same words to us. He tells us to not let our emotions fly about today, creating an unstable and troubled heart. Instead, our trustworthy Lord tells us to focus our attention on Him.

I made the decision this morning to pray and place my trust in God, despite how my day was shaping up and despite how volatile my emotions felt. He calmed my anxious heart, and my son seems to be feeling better as well. It feels good to trade in my troubled emotions for a source of strength that will get me through my day. And that's one feeling I think Jesus would love for me to wallow in.

Dear Lord, I want to be ruled by Your Spirit, not by my emotions. Help me to focus on You today and not my troubles. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Start your day by praying for God to give you the mind of Christ and emotions that are submitted to Him.

On days when you get off track, like I did today, resolve to shorten the amount of time between the emotional trigger and the moment when you release your feelings and the situation into God's care.

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