Friday, February 15, 2008

a special prayer

my prayers are with the students, facutly, and family members of Northern Illinois University here in the area. Too close to home, to be sure. What's funny is that just this past Monday we had a staff mtg. where our local police department came in to talk to us about what steps to take during a crisis. there's really nothing you can do. it's so sad what this world has come too. i have to say that i don't really talk to my students about it. i can't promise them that it'll never happen or tell them that we're perfectly safe. i can't plan what i'll do if that were to happen. no. i can plan. i would pray and ask for God's protection over me and my students. it's comforting to know that our state has made a positive step in now mandating a moment of silence each morning when the day starts. yes, i stop and pray. not aloud. but i know that each of my students will atest to the fact that ms._ closes her eyes and bows her head. i've instructed them to stop whatever their doing and honor that moment of silence. while, usually my prayers focus on seeking god's direction, leadership, grace, love, and patience....i must include that he also protect and watch over each us each day as well.

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