Tuesday, February 12, 2008

11 minutes...

today after school, i was standing in the hallway chatting w/ some fellow teachers. one of them informed me that while watching the news she'd heard that for the month of january we (the chicagoland area) had had a grand total of 11 minutes of sunshine the entire month. 11 minutes. at first i was shocked. but then i turned and looked at her, and was like, "i believe that." looking back, i remember 1 day where it was sunny for awhile. i remember b/c i was trying to hurry up and get a car wash before it started snowing again. so, yeah. anyway, it's feb. and winter doesnt appear to be letting up anytime soon. writing this reminds me of a post jenny did on snow last year. I'll relink to it, so that you can read it. im just thankful that even though the days have been snowy, cold, and altogether dreary. i've been ok. and that is a blessing. hopefully, feb. will have more minutes of sunshine (although so far we havent). but, what can you do???? ;)


in other news, in honor of black history month i've been reading my class stories about great black americans and also showing biographical movies of these american hereos. i must say that i dont teach at a very diverse school. (although, i love my students and my co-workers). but, i was touched by my students. last week we watched a movie about rosa parks...after the movie they all started clapping. 3rd graders!!! they got it. and today after harriet tubman. they started clapping again when we finished. the questions, the comments,...i couldnt get them to stop discussing it. 3rd graders!!!! i was touched. truly.

i just hope that what i teach them, how i carry myself, and the lives of the great african americans that we've learn about will encourage them to embrace all people. not with flowery words of love, but through their actions, their friendships, and their integrity. let the world see that everyday you love all people.

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