Sunday, October 28, 2007


so, after reading and RE-reading and praying..i couldnt shake that article "a new perspective" out of my mind. Last night we had our sister's monthly gathering. it was SOOOO good. it basically ended up with us younger sisters talking candidly and asking questions to the older sisters about how to go through various tests and struggles. sis. hodges, sis. mildred, and sis. ella just really blessed us with their words of wisdom. well, one of the questions was about letting go of things so that god could work. sis. hodges stated that sometimes we tie god's hands b/c we hold on to things and he wants us to let go so that he can work. we can really hold god to his promises when we let go of somethings. stop trying to work it out, figure it out, gettting the wrong attitude towards it. she mentioned the scripture jeremiah 5:25 and how sometimes she'd have a surprise for her children but b/c of their attitude she'd withhold it from them. and that's how god works as well. anyway, it was such a blessing. so, tonight i was once again RE-reading the article "a new perspective" and thinking about letting go of one particularly desire that i've had for a long time. but in a way i feel if i let it go im saying i dont want it anymore. even last night sis. hodges talked about we have to let some things go that seem so dear to us. so much a part of us. in order for god to work.i dunno... i feel like that's what i need to do. let it go, and wait on God. it just seems like such a big thing to let go of, b/c after all i do sooo much desire it. maybe god views it that it's not that she doesn't want it anymore, but she's willing to place it in my hand for me to work it out. instead of her trying to figure it out...struggling with it...wrestling with it. maybe that's the "letting go" he requires???

in other news, today was a very nice, beautiful, fall day. and sunday school was such a blessing. i co-teach the teen girls class with another sister. earlier in the year we were struggling with being a blessing to our girls. every few years i guess you get a new group and have to "learn" them. i have to admit i felt like giving up more than once. even went to pastor about it. but god has totally blessed. and it's not just them. but he's blessed me to truly learn them. our classes the last few sundays have been awesome. has anyone gotten saved? not yet. are we unearthing deep bible mysteries. nope. but i think the girls enjoy coming more so. i feel them listening more so. there's even an excitement in the air of just being together. it's just been a blessing. continue to pray for our class. thanks to the henderson gals for baking and bringing cookies for us this morning! they were soooo good. :)

continue to pray for me. god has really blessed me spiritually these last few weeks. i do feel like a new person. the devil is still the devil and the old me doesnt want to completely die. but i do see a change in my thoughts. things that would usually bother me have not been an issue. im so thankful for that. i feel like i've gotten the victory. now, i must maintain it. drive it in, so that it sticks. as p.jones has stated completely "cut off the head." this blog has really helped...i like to write. and sometimes my "figuring things out" or talking to Him comes through the form of just writing until i find the answer. luv!

1 comment:

A Marriage After His Heart said...

I want you to check out my post today, I didn't know your email, but thought of you when I wrote it. I kow we both have the same "one thing we desire".. Stay encouraged!