Thursday, October 05, 2006

it's been a while

nothing much going on. i just called a guy about possilby taking piano lessons. even though i know how to read music and play, i thought it'd be nice to get some pointers on how to add some stuff or develop my ear better. God's been dealing with me about 'taking charge' of my life. not just sitting around waiting for something to happen, but getting out there and doing things. sooo, i made a list of things i felt like He was showing me that i should pursue..and this was one of the things. its kind of weird, but when i did it i was a little nervous..i mean what if it doesnt work out?..but, i'll never know until i try. and now that i've made the call...i have to admit im antsy with anticipation. we'll see how it turns out. he has to call me back. :)


Anonymous said...

Some times i can't stand the me piano lessons (its got nothin' to do wit da teacher) other times i love em'!! by the way u did great on the piano!! (when we were there a couple of sundays ago)

Anonymous said...

*My piano lessons* by the way i'm a Thames gurl

Anonymous said...

Yes Piano lesson will definatly help you if you get a good teacher who is willing to work with your style.

Jon said...

I love the idea of "taking charge" of your life. It is so easy to have all sorts of goals and never seem to reach them. Keep up the good work and stay encouraged!