Friday, September 29, 2006

Classroom pics

Here are some pictures of my class. (If you're interested...) Enjoy

This is the whiteboard.

This is my desk.

Our class library and "Top Dog" Area (or star student of the week.)

Carpet Area & Calendar

Another view.


Rebekah said... you have a carpeted floor? I volunteered in a room w/ carpet and it was so much more homey:)

bellemj said...

yeah i do. it is more homey. and quieter! what grade do you want to teach? i didnt even know you were in education. thats sooo nice. talk to ya later!

NumbaSixx said...

aww-i miss those ol skool days- it was all so simple then...*sighs* playing fashcards and having snacks, lining up to go to the bathroom...where does the time go?

Rebekah said...

I think I want to teach K-1 or 5-6th....I'm not sure I wanna teach anything in the middle...