Sunday, May 18, 2008


so! it's been a really long time. i know. i have been crazy busy. moving...teaching a college night class, ending the school year, yadda yadda. i feel so far behind in the blog world. my fav. blogs have been neglected. most days, i only have time to check my email,, and read my devotionals that are emailed to me. i guess i could write about everything that's happened....but, that may take a while. i'll just give the highlights.

-in seasons of busyness, only god can provide you with the best time management skills. getting up a little earlier (even if you're exhausted) can make a dramatic difference in the rest of the day).

- the devil loves to make us insecure about our abilities and capabilities (is there a difference between the two?)..anyhoo, if you refuse to give into those insecurities, somehow God glosses over them and makes those around you think you've really got it all together, when in actuality it's really just god doing what he does best: taking care of his saints. (that was a looonnnggg sentence!)

-the death of a saint is truly glorious in the sight of God and his people. God bless Sis. Hampton (Jackson, MI) and Pastor Brown (New York).

- Friends (saved, friends) are truly gifts from God. At some point you realize that you're not limited to just one BFF, but you can have several who each serve a different role in your life.

-Busyness, if handled correctly, can be used for God's glory. But, it takes a greater determination to get what you need for your soul then in seasons that only involve our everyday routines.

so, yeah just a few things that i've thought about over the past month. luv.