Monday, February 25, 2008

just because...

so, today didn't start out so well. i woke up not feeling the best. not to mention i didnt sleep well last night b/c i was thinking too hard before i went to asleep about how some things were going to work out. it didnt help, that the weather forecast was calling for MORE snow for the never-ending winter we're already having. (it's the worst we've had in a while...did i mention that some suburbs are out of salt for the streets?..yeah, that's how bad it is.) but with all that, i attempted to focus, pray, keep my eyes on god and go on with my day.

well, it didnt seem to work like that. i could feel that i was tense on my morning drive in, and when i got to work i was completely unmotivated to start the day. more prayer. i knew what was wrong. i was focused on an issue that really doesn't need to be figured out TODAY or anyday at that. but it's an issue that concerns me from time to time. and today was definitely one of those days. i dont really know when or what i was doing. but i finally stopped and realized that i just needed to let this thing go. let it go as in stop trying to figure it out. we've been over this before. so, more prayer. i started quoting the scriptures in eph. 6 about the weapons of our warfare. i remembered joshua and his battles. and i felt better. because who am i to try to figure out god? and going through the day stressed definitely isn't going to change things. i stopped. i started breathing again. and i ended up having a pretty good day. (probably wouldve been better if i wasnt sick w/ a cold). then to top it off (probably about an hour after i let it all go), the mother of one of my students dropped off a plant for me. no reason. just because. thanks, God. :)

in other news im looking forward to this weekend. it's another girl's night out...this time we're headed to the city to see a play. i'll try and post pics.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


i've been meditating and studying joshua for the past few weeks. i shared some of these thoughts with the YP2 (our youth choir at church). but this morning it came back to me even stronger. the 24th chapter of joshua begins by summing up the plight of the children of isreal. it talks about how they dwelt in the wilderness for a "long season." (v.7)because of their disobedience. Verses 8-11 sum up the victories that joshua and the children of isreal had in battling to gain the promised land of canaan. if you read the whole book of joshua you see how they rarely (if ever)had a break from their battles. they truly went from strength to strength in fighting. but they were victorious each time. each time god told them exactly how to win a particular battle. i was thinking about how we have pressures of life. things we have before god and as soon as one thing gets solved we may go on to the next. isn't this the same as what joshua had to do to reach and possess his promised land? anyhoo, that was encouraging to me. all of this isnt for nought. its buidling me up in the things of god, teaching me natural lessons i'll need for later on, and helping me to possess the promised land.

Friday, February 15, 2008

a special prayer

my prayers are with the students, facutly, and family members of Northern Illinois University here in the area. Too close to home, to be sure. What's funny is that just this past Monday we had a staff mtg. where our local police department came in to talk to us about what steps to take during a crisis. there's really nothing you can do. it's so sad what this world has come too. i have to say that i don't really talk to my students about it. i can't promise them that it'll never happen or tell them that we're perfectly safe. i can't plan what i'll do if that were to happen. no. i can plan. i would pray and ask for God's protection over me and my students. it's comforting to know that our state has made a positive step in now mandating a moment of silence each morning when the day starts. yes, i stop and pray. not aloud. but i know that each of my students will atest to the fact that ms._ closes her eyes and bows her head. i've instructed them to stop whatever their doing and honor that moment of silence. while, usually my prayers focus on seeking god's direction, leadership, grace, love, and patience....i must include that he also protect and watch over each us each day as well.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

yes we can!

people...people. ALL people. a sister sent this to me and im almost in tears. we want change. we need to refocus on america. on people....people. America. that's what this video and this campaign is all about. we, America, want change. "there's never been anything FALSE about hope!- I want change."

(NOTE: I definitely love all people and understand obama's platform. it's unfortunate that my previous comments were misconstrued (by anonymous). i have edited it for the sake of peace. i do love all people (you cannot imagine how much), and while i don't usually respond to anonymous posts...i felt it necessary to do so this once.)

11 minutes...

today after school, i was standing in the hallway chatting w/ some fellow teachers. one of them informed me that while watching the news she'd heard that for the month of january we (the chicagoland area) had had a grand total of 11 minutes of sunshine the entire month. 11 minutes. at first i was shocked. but then i turned and looked at her, and was like, "i believe that." looking back, i remember 1 day where it was sunny for awhile. i remember b/c i was trying to hurry up and get a car wash before it started snowing again. so, yeah. anyway, it's feb. and winter doesnt appear to be letting up anytime soon. writing this reminds me of a post jenny did on snow last year. I'll relink to it, so that you can read it. im just thankful that even though the days have been snowy, cold, and altogether dreary. i've been ok. and that is a blessing. hopefully, feb. will have more minutes of sunshine (although so far we havent). but, what can you do???? ;)


in other news, in honor of black history month i've been reading my class stories about great black americans and also showing biographical movies of these american hereos. i must say that i dont teach at a very diverse school. (although, i love my students and my co-workers). but, i was touched by my students. last week we watched a movie about rosa parks...after the movie they all started clapping. 3rd graders!!! they got it. and today after harriet tubman. they started clapping again when we finished. the questions, the comments,...i couldnt get them to stop discussing it. 3rd graders!!!! i was touched. truly.

i just hope that what i teach them, how i carry myself, and the lives of the great african americans that we've learn about will encourage them to embrace all people. not with flowery words of love, but through their actions, their friendships, and their integrity. let the world see that everyday you love all people.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

i still believe....

this has been one of my favorite songs for the past few months....written and performed by Jeremy Camp. He wrote the song after the death of his first wife. She died of ovarian cancer at the age of 21. He also wrote the song "Walk by Faith" (which is awesome, as well.) "Walk by Faith" was written on their honeymoon.