Sunday, September 30, 2007

But, Rejoice....Part 2

so, nothing with the car yet. but i can rejoice still. b/c i havent really been thinking about it. which for me is such an improvement. normally, i would be worrying and getting discouraged. but im like right now i cant do anything about it and one of the benefits of knowing God is that when we have everyday trials we can just turn it over to him. so, truly that's what im practicing.

service this morning was amazing. i won't go into detail. but, i will say that it's good to be in the COG. and it's good to know that God is faithful that when we think we need a natural blessing what we really need is to learn what he wants us to get out of the test. god has been showing me so much of me these past few weeks. i've been so wrapped up in hurts and disappointments that i couldn't really experience him the way he wanted. (experience in truly being able to give him my burdens, have faith in him, and love life.) it's like i saw what he wanted me to do and the growth he desired, but of my own strength couldn't get there. and today in being able to talk to different ones and let go of the past, see my own faults in dealing with people. see how my own actions may have been the root of the pain i felt other's were causing, i can see God's hand in all of this. so it wasn't really them, it wasnt my situation, it wasnt God denying me of my requests, but he showed how my own actions had caused my own grief. it was amazing. i know chastening isn't pleasant, but it is when you finally "get it". when you finally realize that if i just do this one thing, other things will fall into place. im looking for god to continue to bless me spirtually. my desire is to be a totally different individual in God. i'm rejoicing. not b/c i got anything naturally speaking. but, i feel like spiritually im getting to the place God wants me to be. where he's probably been trying to push and prod me to for the past several years. but i just wasn't getting it. pray for me. im still striving for the goal. and then after all of today at church, after all of the self-examination; i came home, opened my bible and fell on these words from God:

"Finally be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise BLESSING: knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good: let him seek peace, and ensue it." ~1 Peter 3:8-11

now, to me that just seals the whole day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

But, Rejoice....

yesterday p.hodges preached a great message called, "but, rejoice". basically it was saying how we should praise god in the situation. that's how we're going to get out of it. i noticed another sister already commented on her blog on the message...but i just wanted to say what it meant to me. i must say that i have trouble rejoicing for the things that dont seem to be as they should. i mean i can thank him that things aren't worse, or thank him for things that i DO have. but it's a hard to practice thanking him for those things that hurt or seem to say that life's getting worse at every turn. i dunno if i've figured it out yet. but i do want too. so, im praying that he teaches me. now, we all know that if we ask God for more of anything that usually means he's going to take us through something to teach us. well this morning God, seemed to put me to the test. you know the Maintenance light in your car? well, it doesnt really mean anything except to say that it's time for your routine maintenance. things you do to keep your car running so that you dont have to have MAJOR work done later on. well, sometimes those "routine maintenance's" can be quite expensive. and i have a feeling this one is going to be. now, i dont have a problem getting it done, it just seems that every time i get a bonus or every time i get my savings back to the figure i like..something with my car comes along. (and my car is fairly "new" still. it's a 6 year old, it's good.) to say the least, i was a bit distraught on my way to work. however, i was determined not to cry or complain or murmur (although the devil did present himself). or start thinking about all of my other problems and how things seemed to be getting worse. and since yesterday's message was still clearly ringing in my head, i was like, "okay." God, you take care of this some how someway. i know i have to go. i know i have to pay. but you take care of the finances part, so that i don't feel like im always making the car dealers richer. just take care of the situation. i can't shelve out another big figure right now. well, that was this morning. and i was able to not think about it for the rest of the day. even as i type this im not as distraught as i was this morning. i dont know what's going to happen. i know i need God to "smile" on me, though. and im hoping that if i do my part (take no thought for today) he'll bless this situation. and not only this one, but the other ones as well. especially that BIG one most of us are still praying and hoping for. pray for me. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy 1/2 Birthday to ME!

Yes, i am celebrating my half-birthday this year(it was actually yesterday sept. 14th). it's halfway to my birthday. today some of the gals and i are going out to breakfast. i'm excited. i must admit i didnt feel that "tingly" feeling like you do on your real birthday. oh well!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

one more thing on the jubilee....

i forgot to say that while i was in Arkansas..i got a chance to really get to know some of the girls. girls i've known forever, but this time we just got to talk and really express ourselves. so, to rebecca and was great, just awesome spending time with yall. and of course the mack and sharon gals are always a pleasure. :) not that other weren't but i just really enjoyed taking it slow this weekend and feeling the love of the saints. ok, that's it. :)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"This is the day of Jubilee!!"

I just got back from the AR jubilee. it was awesome. there wasnt as many people, but there was still good representation from all of the COGs. i cannot begin to explain how good it was. i mean...every meeting people say that. but it was something about this meeting that was just "umph". you know? the messages were truly on a more mature level. as were the testimonies. i did buy some of the tapes. and im sure your local tape ministry will either have the tapes or can request them. on the last night we all gathered at kevin and sharonda's house (which is quickly becoming "da spot"! they know that?) for games. ok, so if you remember playing the question game at lana's house..imagine that with about 25-30 people PLUS the sharon saints (who are hilarious by themselves) PLUS bro. neal and bro. tierre. CRAZY! and then we played not one but two rounds. TWO rounds of the question game. it was a long night. i think we left there about 3am ish. oh well, it was definitely worth it.

in other news, school has started. actually it started last week. im enjoying it. im teaching 3rd this year instead of 2nd. i requested to be moved (not b/c of the kids, though.) i must say it's been a nice change. i luv my partner teachers. they're quick and smart (those of yall who know me, will understand that comment.) so, im satisfied.

we are a blessed people, as pastor jones preached on. truly. :)