Thursday, August 30, 2007

Red Sea

it seems like a lot of my posts are turning into poems/songs. well, here's yet another one. i get daily devotionals emailed to me everyday. this song was in my devotional for today. (if you're interested, you can go to and look for the devotional "Encouragement from Today"..i've yet to NOT be blessed by these devotionals.)

Red Sea

Lyrics and Music by Gwen Smith

A battle is raging, the stage is set

Rivers edge, they're placing bets

Facing the water, I'm fighting doubt

I need Your hand to help me out

Part this Red Sea , deliver me

The tide is high, still on the rise

Secure my feet and guide my steps

I won't retreat from this duress

I'm movin', I'm pushin', I'm constantly pressin'

Approaching these waters with holy aggression

Show me Your power, I need intervention

Come and rescue me

Part this Red Sea

Minute by minute new circumstances

Uncharted water, taking my chances

I'm trying to get up the nerve to move

With You on my side, I know I can't lose

Pillar of fire by night on this desert road

Pillar of cloud by day with my heavy load

Its big, its big, I hear it mocking me

But You are bigger and You can part this sea

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I just ran across this great poem from the YCLF website (it's listed under my "Links" page). Anyhoo, I thought I'd post it. It's very encouragin. Thanks to the author!

I know not the path I must travel,
I see not a way for my feet.
Ahead I only see shadows
Obscured is the pathway I seek.

I do not know all life's answers,
And where I travel seems rocky and steep
Still I am striving to follow,
And find the pathway I seek.

I do not know why there are shadows,
Yet of one thing I can be sure,
Jesus has travel'd there before me
And He knows the path is secure.

I do not know where He will lead me,
Only that with Him I will always be safe.
He has promised never to leave me,
And His promise He'll never forsake.

Each day I learn more to trust Him,
More fully in all that befalls.
His will for me becomes my will,
And I will follow were ever He calls.

In every trial and testing,
That shows me that I am so weak,
He gives me more grace to follow
For in Him is the pathway I seek.

- Chantel Harding